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Style Rules

The Spectacles Style Validator supports the following rules out of the box. Rule codes begin with the letter of the LookML entity they apply to. For example, rules starting with V are view-related rules.

For each rule, we've included a rationale for why we've implemented the rule, though you can easily ignore rules you disagree with or modify them via custom rules.

D100Yesno dimension doesn't start with 'is_' or 'has_'Wording the name of a yesno dimension as a question makes it clear to the user what a yes or no value represents.
D101Dimension name not in snake caseDimension names should match the conventional format, which is snake case—words in lowercase, separated by underscores. For example, order_id instead of orderId or OrderID.
D106Dimension not in alphabetical orderSort dimensions alphabetically to make it easier to find a dimension while scrolling through a view file. A dimension or dimension group violates this rule if it is not alphabetically sorted with respect to the previous dimension or dimension group. Primary keys are excluded from the set of dimensions used to determine alphabetical order.
D107Primary key dimension not the first dimension in this viewThe primary key should be listed first in a view so developers quickly understand the grain of the view and what a single record represents.
D200Dimension group name ends with redundant wordWhen Looker creates the underlying dimensions, Looker appends the name of the timeframe to the dimension group name. For example, for a dimension group called order_date, Looker will create dimensions with redundant names: order_date_date, order_date_month, order_date_year, etc. Instead, use order as the dimension group name, which becomes order_date, order_month, etc.
D301Visible dimension missing descriptionDimensions that are visible in the Explore page should have a description so users understand how and why to use them, along with any caveats.
D302Primary key dimension not hiddenPrimary keys are not typically used directly in Explores because users are more interested in aggregates like measures, which reduce the grain beyond the grain of the primary key. Thus, these dimensions should be hidden.
D303Dimension label includes redundant "Yes/No"For yesno dimensions, Looker adds "Yes/No" to the end of the dimension's label by default, so there's no need to include it in the label.
E100Explore doesn't declare fieldsWhen fields are explicitly defined, LookML developers can easily identify the fields included in the Explore without having to reference the view file or loading the Explore page. This is especially helpful when the Explore includes multiple joins and a subset of fields from each joined model.
E111Explore missing labelExplores should define a label to provide a user-friendly name for the Explore in menus. Looker generates title-cased names for Explores based on the name in LookML, but these names aren't always useful for users. For example, an auto-generated Explore name Prod Sessions L3d (generated from explore: prod_sessions_l3d) is not as succinct or informational as Web Sessions.
I100Include uses a wildcardIncluding all views using a wildcard (e.g. *.view) slows down LookML compilation and validation. Instead, explicitly include the specific views that you need.
J100Join doesn't define its relationship explicitlyIf the relationship parameter for a join is omitted, Looker will use a default relationship of many_to_one. However, it's better to define the relationship explicitly so that developers scanning the code can quickly understand the join. Explicitly defining the relationship can also help prevent errors caused by mistyping or using the wrong columns in the join condition.
M100Name of count measure doesn't start with 'count_'You should explicitly state the aggregation type in the dimension name because it makes it easier for other developers and Explore users to understand how the measure is calculated.
M101Name of sum measure doesn't start with 'total_' or 'sum_'You should explicitly state the aggregation type in the dimension name because it makes it easier for other developers and Explore users to understand how the measure is calculated.
M102Name of average measure doesn't start with 'avg_' or 'average_'You should explicitly state the aggregation type in the dimension name because it makes it easier for other developers and Explore users to understand how the measure is calculated.
M103Measure name not in snake caseMeasure names should match the conventional format, which is snake case—words in lowercase, separated by underscores. For example, count_orders instead of OrderCount.
M106Measure not in alphabetical orderSort measures alphabetically to make it easier to find a measure while scrolling through a view file. A measure violates this rule if it is not alphabetically sorted with respect to the previous measure.
M110Measure references table column directlyMeasures should not directly reference table columns, but should instead reference dimensions that reference table columns. This way, the dimension can be a layer of abstraction and single source of truth for all measures that reference it.
M112Visible measure missing descriptionMeasures that are visible in the Explore page should have a description so users understand how and why to use them, along with any caveats.
V100View name not in snake caseView names should match the conventional format, which is snake case—words in lowercase, separated by underscores. For example, all_orders instead of allOrders or AllOrders.
V110View must define at least one primary key dimensionViews must define a primary key so that any Explores that reference them can take advantage of symmetric aggregates and join them properly to views. This rule only applies to views that have defined a sql_table_name or derived_table parameter.
V111View missing labelViews should define a label to provide a user-friendly name for the view in Explores. Looker generates title-cased names for views based on the view name in LookML, but these names aren't always useful for users in Explores. For example, an auto-generated view name Prod Sessions L3d (generated from view: prod_sessions_l3d) is not as succinct or informational as Web Sessions.
V112View uses the same table as another viewViews should not have the same sql_table_name because two views with the same table name are effectively the same view. Instead, consolidate these views into a single view.
V113Name of persistent derived table view doesn't start with 'pdt_'Views that define persistent derived tables should be prefixed to make it easy to identify views based on PDTs.