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Add Spectacles Workers

By default, Spectacles will execute one run at a time. If multiple runs are created simultaneously, they will be queued and executed one by one.

To enable concurrent runs, you can add additional workers to your organisation. Each worker requires API credentials for a unique Looker user.

Adding Workers

  1. Before adding a new worker, you need to ensure that you have an additional worker 'slot' free on your Spectacles subscription. To add an additional worker to your subscription, see our guide to managing billing.

  2. You'll also need to create a new dedicated Looker user and Looker API key for each additional worker. Follow this guide for our recommendations on how to set up a dedicated user and API key for Spectacles.


Make sure you create a unique Looker user for each Spectacles worker. You should never give two Spectacles workers API keys for the same Looker user, even if the API keys are different from each other.

  1. From Settings, click Add Worker.

  2. Fill out the form with the client ID and client secret of the newly created API key and click Test Connection.

  3. If the connection test succeeds, click Add Worker. If the connection test fails, return to the prior step and double-check your API credentials. If you continue to get errors, please get in touch with Spectacles support through chat.

Deleting Projects

To delete a worker, click the 🗑️ button next to the worker's client ID.